Music plays an important role in the worship and life of North Houston Baptist Church. The Scriptures are replete with commands to praise the Lord with vocal and instrumental music, and they intimately connect the Word of Christ to musical expression.
Our musical worship incorporates a variety of means by which we can bring glory and honor to Christ. Choirs, ensemble groups, and soloists occasionally minister the Word, and various instrumentalists accompany the congregational singing at times. Children learn special Scripture songs in their classes.
Our primary emphasis, however, is congregational singing. We believe that the New Covenant people of God are all filled with the Spirit and are encouraged to lift their voices together in worship.
We attempt to display a deep sense of reverence in our music, and our styles are generally conservative, but incorporate many "new songs" as well. We also believe in obeying the command to "sing psalms," and we regularly incorporate the Biblical Psalms into our worship. We never want our worship to become thoughtlessly liturgical, but neither do we want it to become flippant or trite.
Read more about our music philosophy.