Pastor John Bray is pleased to serve His Lord and North Houston Baptist Church as pastor and primary teacher. When John was a teen, God began to burden his heart to preach and teach the Bible, and he was encouraged by God's people to follow that calling. He earned a B.A. in Bible and an M.A. in Theology from Bob Jones University and Seminary, and has done further studies at International Baptist Seminary, the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies, and Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary.
God has blessed John and his wife Jen with four children -- Hannah, David, Charis, and Paton. They enjoy reading and playing together. The Brays moved to Houston in 1997. They love Houston and think of their church as their family.
Our church is praying and working toward the addition of other elders to help lead and shepherd this body of believers.
North Houston Baptist Church is served by a body of deacons who oversee the provision for the physical and material needs of the congregation. Our current deacon chairman is Terry Johnston.