By God's grace, NHBC is an assembly of believers that is:
Please come join us as we seek to spread a passion for the glory of God.
Learn more about our various ministries, listen to a sermon, or read and hear more about our vision.
Sunday Morning Series
Join us for our current Sunday morning series on the book of Hebrews. The author reminds us all of the superiority of Jesus Christ as the ultimate prophet, priest, and king — the very pinnacle of God’s revelation. We are encouraged to persevere in faith against all opposition and in spite of every temptation by looking to Jesus.
Are you reconciled to God?
Upcoming Events
Sunday, March 30
5th Sunday - No lunch or PM service
Wednesday, Apr 16
No prayer meeting tonight
Friday, April 18, 7:00 pm
Good Friday Communion Service
Sunday, April 20
Son-Rise Service, 9:00 am
Resurrection Celebration, 10:30 am
No lunch or PM service
June 22-29
Teen Camp
July 14-18
Vacation Bible School
9:30 am - Sunday School & Adult Bible Studies
10:30 am - Worship Service
11:00 am - Dismissal to Children’s Class (ages 3-8)
12:00 pm - Fellowship Lunch (provided)
1:00 pm - Worship and Teaching Service
Nursery (0-2) is provided for Sunday services.
(Parents are always welcome to keep their children with them in the auditorium at their discretion.)
No afternoon service on fifth Sundays
7:00 pm - Prayer Meeting
On the second Saturday of each month, there is an 8:00 AM Saturday Men’s Prayer Meeting in place of the previous Wednesday meeting.